Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Furry Wrath!

i come from the internet, no i don't mean that i cruse facebook 24/7 like an attention grubbing cam whore. no i am from a land far more turbulent then that trash heap. no i mean the true internet an unforgiving land of butt hert for those that do not know the difference between longcat and tacgnol.

so why have i ventured forth from such a land to sit here atop a soapbox and spew my bail all over the tubes? to this the answer is 2 fold,

1. Encyclopedia Dramatica is down.
2. for the lulz. if you ever are in doubt of my motives refer to this.

to continue with this rambling a little about me, yes i am a furry, no i will not tell you what my fursona is, no i will not whine about how hard work is.

now that that is setaled here are my objectives for this blog

1. rant a lot
2. trol some
3. prove that alians did infact land at roswell in 1949
4. ?????
5. profit!

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