Wednesday, June 29, 2011

stupid sticks maiden beatting! Nephilimfree your on the rack! part 1

Ok Ive been following this lulzcow for some time,he makes no to litle scens, his hypothesizes are crack pot at best and he often in the chours of his multy part hour+ brain hemorrhaging ramblings forgets his own point. well nephlim free, you shall be the first to fall pray to Furrywrath's stupid stick.

so the man behind the beating, Mr. nephilimfree,or however the fuck its spelled. is one of youtube's more prominent (and by prominent i mean loud) young earthers, geocentrists, flat earther, and all around annoying Christ fag. he proliferates on average 1 video every 2-3 days mostly just rambling and missing the poit of his  own argument by miles or just not fucking understanding middle school level biology, chemistry, physics... fuck just middle school in general including the part with the wedgies and shizz. not to mention his  rather unbecoming personal life in which he mooched SSC money off of his stroke victim "lady friend" so he himself could continue making shit vidios about things he dosent fully understand rather then *GASP!* you know for some one that preaches "christian" morals and ethics he falls flat on his face when actually practicing them.

a qoute from nephies's youtube page,
Evolutionism is an idea born in a day when people rode horses and used oil lamps to light their homes (yes, and creationism was born in a day hen people shivered in caves and died at 30 of old age). Modern science has disproven (hyphen needed) all claims of evolutionism (not really, i think 99.99% of scientists say otherwise neph) , even the latest, and always will. Science has verified (citation needed) that life is a product of Intelligent Design (humph, and that's why both the legal system and the scientific community dismissed it in 2005 as a re-branding of creationism) followed by Special Creation (citation needed). Of the countless proofs (citation needed) of this is the very existance (spelling) of the DNA molecule, which is empirical (definition) proof of both design and creation. Alone, the existence of the DNA molecule and it's properties, which cannot have been be produced by material causes (well it happened so there for its material, the word your looking for is natural), disproves evolution theory (holy leep of logic Batman!). All other evidences, which are innumerable (like fake human prints in rock next to dino prints and other forgeries), are icing on the cake (the cake is a lie!).

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