Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of jully

i once heard something that Athiests are unpatriotic...


i fucking love this country and what we stand for. and all those right wing fuckwits that think that because i do not support traditional "christian values" i must hate the US. well go fuck yourselves sideways. did you fuckers ever stop to think that the reason we librals get all bent out of shape about things is becuse we are trying to make shit better? yea bet you dint think of that ass.

part of the beauty of this counter is that the left and the right can bicker all day long and its one of our rights to do so. (even if the other guy is wrong and just doesn't want to admit it)

well its July 4th so happy birthday U.S.A. and lets look forward to many more years of cow-manure launching contests between the left and the right.

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