Friday, July 1, 2011

wives obey your husbond WEARS MY SANDWITCH BITCH!

ok along time ago i had an interesting discussion with my English professor on the subject of feminism. the argument was mostly over semantics as we shared the basic belief that women and men are equal. i hated the word feminist as i associated it with the idea the women are Superior to men, an idea i felt was stupid. i used the term equilist, saying that all men and women are equal end of story.

so semantics aside what am i about to unload a hole lot of shit all over... the idea of the subservient women and why its a load of horse shit.

you see back in the day men would go to the stone age bar get drunk and start comparing each others dicks and so the guy with the smallest dick would feel bad go home and order his wife around that did not have a dick so he could feel superior to something... over 9000! years later this became a cultural norm.

free thinking is the fastest way to  kill a tradition so a bunch of assholes got together and codified it. which is when we get this litle fuck, " Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor usurp authority over the man, but be in silence. " 1 Timothy 2: 11, 12.

silly Timothy, all white wolf gamers know that all women get +2 social traits agenst men. (and to be fair sometimes other women to)

so what will i be providing comentary on today boys and girsls! from an artical i pulled from here

(*brandishes the stupid stick*, lets get started!)

"Marriage for a Christian woman is to sacrifice her will to her husband (oh nose! she my question that i don't have the biggest dick on the block!) in obedience in everything. She demonstrates her gift of trust and Love, by being completely obedient to her husband (*cough* slavery), and not only that, being completely obedient even to the husbands implied desires (bitch I'm still hungry! were is my fucking sandwich!).
She is at the complete service of her husband (O_o um a married man can still commit rape you know), and she does it in love and joy without any complaint, or thought for herself.

Scripture points this out clearly. Though man and woman are equal in the sight of God, they are not equal in authority, in marriage (bull shit)."

but wait theirs more!

"Some wives need to perform a major operation on themselves, because they are effected by the world (world = men and women that sold bronze age books down river) and they have been getting away with murder (ok so your saying if my sister refuses to sleep with her husbond then she is as guilty as some one that knifes a ge back ally *face palm*) for years. But the good news is that they can be taught to be awesome obedient wives (and be a slave and i can live like a bronze age king!), even if years of bad habits have crept in (damn free thinking!). It just takes more humility and suffering to break the backbone of any wilfullness (wow, isent that just duchy).

Being a wife (mother) is a heroic, loving, sacrifice, and complete selfless service. It is an amazing, generous, love and trust wife gifts to her husband (gifts to  her children), its amazing marriage happens at all. A Christian wife is an awesome wonder to volunteer herself in strict service and obedience, with such love (becuse if we paint smiles on them they wont look as miserable)"

why did i enclude all that stuff on the end about motherhood being a selfless service, one reason alone. my sister and i put my poor mother threw hell growing up. the relationship between my father and mother was that of a tag teem with both parties having an equal say in what went on.  no one held the rains as rains were unessasary they worked together to solve problems.

fundamentalist dipshits just want power and will take authority anywhere if given a chance. they have this odd need to control everything (insert penis joke here) probably because there world is  fragile and threatened by tolerance and equality. now if you will excuse me im going to go make my own damn sandwich.

btw I'm male

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