Wednesday, July 6, 2011

i find congres guilty of first degry ass hattery

ok, so i was at school today, mind numb from slamming my face against the books and shouting "fucking learn this already!"  i was granted a brief 20min reprieve from my studies i ventured fourth to the lounge to apply some nova-cane (e.g. tv) to the brain. what i got was more like salt all over my already hemeraging brain.

Rodger Clemons to stand trial for pergery. (ok big fucking deal) it was what fallowed that really chapped my hide. obstruction of congress... WTF?!

no im not upset about the charge but rather that congress, you know that bicameral branch of government that's supposed to do stuff like make laws and balance the budget. well back in 2008 while the world was buisy getting fucked sideways but growing debt and Al-quidea and New Orleans being gang rapped by hurricanes congress decided to  deal with the emergency of steroids in sports... they dicked around for a while and everyone just forgot about it.

so three years later guess what, we found out someone lied about it, well NO SHIT! these sports guys have more money then the pope, questionable ethics and an ego the size of a wales dick! and no I'm not talking about congress here!

another point, what the fuck was congress doing in the sports world, have the American people really become so retarded that they have to get congress involved when they think the other side is cheating? grow the fuck up! America has real problems to deal with like a crumbling infrastructure, unemployment, a national debt that makes me feel about as big as Micky Runny.

i will end on this note, if our law makes don't unfuck themselves the real problems in the world will keep growing and eventually will ass fuck us real hard. when that happens rich people who can hit balls with sticks relay well wont be able to drown out the moans of misery any more.

get your shit together!

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