Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fucking Kapersky!

ok so here i was working on a rant on how retarded home schooling is, when i get a notice from Kapesky leting me know that my subscription had run out. naturally i told it to suck my dick and go away (i placed it atop the pile of stuff i need to get to but don't feel like it). about 5 minuets later it alerts me again, slightly more frustrated it told it to fuck itself. five minets later it alerted me again, this cycle was repeated a good 8 times.
on the 9th time being ignored it decided to open the floodgates of hell. (which i here can be found some place outside Chicago)

"Kaspesky has stopped working and needs to close" it cherped.
"OK" says I and clicked the go fuck yourself button.
"oh ignoring me and my attempts to get money form you" it shrieked, "i see how it is, and you will pay for your frugality with your rant!" it responded with a growl.

next thing i knew Skype, Firefox, AIM, MSN instant messenger, and MS word had all closed to the sound of a rich man in a suit laughing some were.

well fuck you!

i now have no intention of giving you any of my hard earned cash.

that furry bastered.

1 comment:

  1. that rant may be published late, i feel a better one comming.
